
Web Development

with Vue and Node.js

Full-Stack Web Development With Vue.js And Node.js

This book covers al the topics that you need to know as a full-stack JS developer using Node.js Express with Mongo DB for back-end and Vue.js with Vuex for front-end.

29$ (With lifetime updates)


What's in the book

What are we going to build?

Setting Up Node.js and Mongo DB

Creating Back-end with Node.js Express and Mongo DB

How To Make Your Node.js back-end Secure

Dockerizing Our Back-end

What is docker and why do we need it?

Writing Tests for Node.js with Mocha & SuperTest

Deploying Mongo DB into Mongo DB Atlas

CI, CD, Deploying Node.js with Docker into AWS (EC2, S3 & Beanstalk are covered)

Caching With Redis In Advance Way (Optional)

Creating Front-end with Vue.js and Vuex

Writing Tests With Jest in Vue.js & Vuex

Using TypeScript with Vue.js & Vuex

Making Vue.js APP SEO Friendly

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