season duration

How to Increase the Time Visitors Spend on Your Site

It’s not a secret that every site owner wants to keep users on their website as long as possible. Why? Because Low season duration increases your bounce rate. Do you want to increase an average time that user spends on your site? Here are 7 ways to increase visitors’ average season duration on your website.

1. Pay attention to your site’s design.

An average web user spends less than a few seconds on a site before they decide to stay or leave.



Make sure your site is mobile responsive. It should fit on all screen resolutions. Your most important content should be on the top. Your users should instantly see the useful part of a page when they visit your site.
Keeping your site’s design simple makes easier for users to look at it and find what they need. If there are fewer things to look at, then users are more likely to focus on an exact thing and stay longer.

2. Improve a readability of your articles.

Make a content in all pages on your website easy to read on all devices.
Make your font size large enough for reading easily, but small enough to avoid unnecessary scrolling. Sometimes you can see blogs where you need scroll regularly to read next part. It’s boring and can increase bounce rate of your site too.
Divide (separate) your articles into multiple sections, heading, paragraphs. Use subheadings and keep white space.

3. Add high-quality images.

Images are the most engaging type of content. People love to look at images more than reading the text. This is why you may notice most popular brands use full-screen background images on their landing pages. There are many image stocks where you ca download images for free.

Here are some Image stocks where you can download images for free:

4. Add videos.

Users from all over the world watch hundreds of millions of hours of videos on YouTube every day. That means people love watching videos and you can produce video content as well. Adding videos to your pages can increase user engagement and increase the time that users spend on your site.

5. Make internal links.

Make sure that each article on your website has internal links. People will not visit those pages unless you link to them. Internal links will help users navigate through your site pages easily. It will increase season duration and will decrease bounce rate.
Internal linking is also good for your site’s SEO. Make sure that you are linking to relevant pages.

6. Tell them success stories.

People love stories especially success stories. Success stories, whether they are yours or someone who inspires you, have a much higher chance of getting more engagement.
Thos type of stories inspire readers and they are also motivational.

7. Offer content as a bonus.

Offering users pro content is a popular technique used by top digital marketers and bloggers. It means you give an opportunity to your users to get bonus content if they do some action.
This action can be a signup for your email list or register for the free account.
Bonus content will increase the conversion rate of your site and will boost user engagement.

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